To create an effective RFP (Request for Proposal) that includes Data Migration, it is crucial to address data-related aspects comprehensively. An RFP should include a well-crafted Data Readiness section that outlines the following details:
- Data Profiling: Analyze the available data from systems to plan its handling better. This process is typically performed by the data transformation team.
- Data Cleansing: Assign responsibility for data cleansing. If the data is particularly messy, the System Integrator (SI) should be made accountable for providing support and tools to help with data cleansing.
- ETL Roles: Define roles for Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) processes. An experienced Data Migration team is recommended for the extraction, while the System Integrator or a separate data migration team should handle the transformation. The system integration team usually takes care of loading the data into the new target system.
- Mock Loads & Data Validation: Clearly specify the number of times data will be loaded to ensure high data quality. Include Data Validation to be performed by the business, and accommodate it in the project schedule.
- Data Readiness Metrics: Assign a person to compile and publish data validation metrics for the project team.
In addition to the RFP, a Data Migration Checklist can be used to plan the migration process, which involves:
- Categorizing tables by functionality.
- Identifying dependencies and resource constraints.
- Estimating network bandwidth and throughput.
- Finalizing migration approach and tools.
- Outlining data migration activities.
By addressing these aspects in the RFP and utilizing a data migration checklist, organizations can ensure a smooth and successful data migration process.